- Project: Quantification of Plastic Waste in Dump Yard for Mumbai and Delhi
- Client: Center for Plastic in Environment (ICPE)
- Project: Identifying Markets for Recyclable Dry Solid Waste in Maharashtra
- Client: Regional Center for Urban and Enviromental Studies (RCUES), AIILSG, Mumbai
- Project: Techno Feasibility Report: Common Treatment & Disposal Site for the Waste Management of MMRDA Area
- Client: Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRD)
- Project: Awarness Education Programme and Consultancy Services on Waste Management
- Client: Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPU), Mumbai
- Project: Designed the syllabus for the programme PG Diploma in Solid Waste Management & Engineering
- Client: K.J.Somaiya Collage of Science, Mumbai